
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Reflecting on my tapa by Ducati

1. Are you pleased with your Tapa Cloth?why/why not?
Yes because the colors are terrific.

2. What did you find easy when you were creating your Tapa?
Bleaching the tapa cloth.

3. What did you find tricky when you were creating your Tapa?
I found nothing hard about it!  

4. If you made another Tapa, what would you change and why?
Add more patterns.

5.  Who / What has helped you in creating your Tapa?
Keri and Miss Paton.

6. Did you use any of your own cultural patterns in your own Tapa? Which ones? What do they mean? If you didn’t use your cultural patterns, what  patterns did you use? Where did they come from?
 Some of my friends.                                                   

7. What geometric elements does your Tapa Cloth show? Reflection, Rotation, Translation.
I have all three.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Types of Bullying By Ducati

PhysicalVerbal    Emotional
Fighting                                   Pushing                                   Kicking                                 Scratching                           punching                                               poking        Swearing                           Lying                              Name calling                              tricking  Sadness                                                               unhappy                               depressed                                   woeful                                       forlorn                                                        downcast