Thursday, 27 June 2013
My still image on Jim in Treasure Planet
My still image on Jim, he is on a movie called Treasure Planet. I was in the middle.
P.S We all had to be on our own.
My graph on the Kiwikids news quiz
Here is my Kiwikids news chart, there's only three because, I'm not really sure why.
My graph on the kiwikids news quiz

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
My Speech Competition Rubric
The Speech Competition Rubric
Assessor: Haliano Performer: Ducati
Please give honest feedback to your chosen performer. They will work on the feedback you give.
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Not using any expression at all in the speech. Sounds like a robot. Does not use the punctuation. Words do not flow
Using some expression for certain parts of the speech. Reverts back in sounding like a robot in some places.
Uses expression in most areas, but not all. Starting to make voice go high and low in certain parts. Starting to get into the role and use punctuation.
Uses expression throughout the speech. Making voice go high and low in all parts.
Opens mouth wide so that words flow.
Loud clear voice
Reads in a very soft voice e.g. whisper. May mumble during speech. Words / sentences are very unclear and may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in some parts, but may revert back to soft / mumbling voice. Not all words / sentences may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in most parts, but may mumble, or speak softly in 1-2 sentences / words. Most words are understood by the audience.
Projects voice throughout the performance. Voice is loud and clear. Every word / sentence is understood by the audience.
Eye Contact
The performer refers to the speech / cue cards during for the entire contest. No eye contact given to the audience
The performer refers to the speech cue cards for some parts. The performer looks at the audience during some parts of the speech contest.
The reader looks at the audience and gives eye contact to the audience most of the time.
Eye contact is given throughout the contest. The performer gives eye contact to the audience during the entire speech contest.
Knowledge of the speech
Reads directly from the cue cards. Strongly relies off the cue cards during the contest. Does not know speech very well. Loses own place regularly and relies off cue cards.
Knows some parts of the speech, but is still reliant on the cue cards. Follows the text for most parts. Still reliant on cue cards to get through the contest. May lose place.
Knows most parts of the speech off by heart.
Follows the text.
Could easily perform the speech without the cue cards.
Knows the speech off by heart. Memorized the speech.
Friday, 21 June 2013
My flipping ebook on present education
here is my flipping ebook, read it and you might learn something new.
My speech on having class pets in the classroom
Should Panmure Bridge School have class pets?
I think Panmure Bridge School have class pets, because everyone in the class can look after the pet they have. I have a question for you: Do you think it’s a good idea to have a class pet?
A pet might be alone or an orphan and could die quickly, your pet can live in your class and can have enough food and water to last the night. If it gets hungry or thirsty, on a site called:, I learnt about the top ten worst class pets. The worst pets are: chinchillas, rabbits, turtles, ferrets, birds, iguanas, hamsters, frogs, snakes and hedgehogs. Do you know why rabbits, turtles, hamsters, and ferrets are bad? Well you’ll know at the bottom.
The pets that you can have as a class pet that I saw on a site called A puppy, kitten, guinea pig, crabs, gerbils, spiders(not really), lizards, turtles, guppies, goldfish, hamsters, rats, parrots and frogs. These pets can have a big enough cage their food and water in it and can have enough room to run around. Do you know that it is an 80% a good idea and 20% a bad idea to keep class pets.
If it’s the holidays or weekends a student in the class, the student can look after the pet and can cherish it and give it that’s more happier than anything: love. If it’s not alive then the student will pay the price.
Hope you enjoyed my speech, and thank you for listening.
Should Panmure Bridge School have class pets?
My flipping ebook on past education
Here is my first-ever flipping ebook on past education at school, did you know that if a child was naughty in the past they would have to wear A dunce hat.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
My results on the kiwikids news quiz
Here are my results on the kiwikids news. On the wrong one I got 80%, and on the right one I got 90%.
My liquid freeze frame
I was here it's just that I was shy, because mine didn't make a sound, because that's what a liquid freeze frame is. To do it first, then to do and say the sound for it.
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