Tuesday, 10 December 2013
My Christmas Poem
Christmas is good, Christmas is great.
Santa’s coming so don’t be late.
Is Christmas about the presents or is it about the Tree
When Christmas is coming, everyones full of glee.
You don’t need presents to live happily.
All you need is to be with your family.
This is my Poem About Christmas
Monday, 9 December 2013
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
My Tamaki River Rotary walkway Recount
Tamaki River Rotary walkway
When me and my class had a trip to the Tamaki River Rotary walkway it felt like an extravaganza. First we got to the court with the other senior classes, second we walked to the buses and finally we got to the Tamaki River. I was so excited mostly to take pictures with the camera for the first time. But I didn’t, at first.
We walked and saw a few plaques. Then we got to a wobbly bridge, it was so scary that I was going to faint and fall in the water. We saw some ducks in the mangroves mostly male about four or five and one female, after a few minutes it would rain like tears were coming down.
Then we had a break. When we walked for an hour, we headed to the skatepark. I saw a very interesting bird that looked like a little bit like a crane except smaller and its feathers were a greyish black colour. But before we left Room 5 and 8 paired up and that bird was gone. Actually it was in a bush but it was too far away to get a picture. I finally got the chance to use the camera.
We went all around the Rotary Walkway. I took lots of pictures. It felt like my feet were bleeding. Some of us were so debilitated, we saw a few signs about what remains from the past. The Tamaki River use to have a volcano. Just then rain was falling. It was atrocious and it took us hours to get to the Pakuranga Sailing club. We saw some workout equipment. Some of us hopped on. Rooms 8, 5, 7, 6 & 9 got on them. A couple more played pass with a ball. The most time consuming thing was waiting for the buses. It was lavish and we were shivering for hours until the buses finally got to the sailing club. We went back to school.
I felt dead on my feet and it was the most tremendous, depleting and glacial trip ever.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Room 5 Favourite Songs
This is a chart based on the song that the pupils in room five chose, the most popular song was Roar by Katy Perry which was chosen by 14 students and 2 teachers, the least popular was this is me by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas with 0 points, I think Roar was the most Popular because most students heard of the song, her song is very cache and she tamed a tiger. Plus it's quite funny. that's why I think Roar by Katy Perry was the most popular.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Flipping Ebook on Coraline
See my book review on a Flipping Ebook.
Coraline book review
Check out my book review on the horror/fantasy book Coraline
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Collage on our Tamaki River trip
Check this out I used a site called www.fotor.com to create a collage
Friday, 1 November 2013
Marys Dilemna
Mary woke up on a sunny morning and the birds were chirping. She brushed her teeth, washed her hands, had breakfast and then realised that she had taken ten minutes and her mother was suppose to have woken her up five minutes earlier.
She went to wake up her mum, she went searching for she saw she was not in her bed, after a hour she found her outside on the ground and shook her until Mary felt her pulse until she found out her mother passed, she was heartbroken, then a old woman came in and made a deal.
“I’ll bring back your mother if you give me something in return” Mary asked “What do you want? anything to bring back my mother” “When you turn sixteen, give me something special in return” then with the snap of a finger her mother was alive and the old woman disappeared.
check out my sentence on a little girl named Mary
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Here is a picture of touch rugby and I played it today, maybe if my team would give the ball to me then I'd be happy
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Maths Whizz
Had Flash Problems and thats why I got eight minutes
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Monday, 21 October 2013
Questions on the Tamaki River
Here is my Questions on the Tamaki River
Friday, 18 October 2013
Week 1 Homework
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qIgw1o2_Tl2RZpvFBTf0Zs9VMlrobGQszMrjsDSOWDE/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="480" height="329" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
Watch and read about my Homework week 1
Watch and read about my Homework week 1
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
My flipping ebook on five uknown landforms
Watch my flipping ebook on five landforms with one reference on how I got this information.
Monday, 5 August 2013
My Popplet on landforms
This is my popplet about landforms which mean objects not made by men and women, hope you enjoy.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Maths Whizz results

Thursday, 4 July 2013
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
My ideal classroom
Here is a Ideal classroom, click on the upper right corner and see what happens. you should go onto floorplanner, with this you can use your imagination to put in any thing from plants to cars and anything.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Maths whizz results
My results on Maths whizz, I have 17 minutes on Maths whizz because, well I'm not sure how to say it.
Thursday, 27 June 2013
My still image on Jim in Treasure Planet
My still image on Jim, he is on a movie called Treasure Planet. I was in the middle.
P.S We all had to be on our own.
My graph on the Kiwikids news quiz
Here is my Kiwikids news chart, there's only three because, I'm not really sure why.
My graph on the kiwikids news quiz

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
My Speech Competition Rubric
The Speech Competition Rubric
Assessor: Haliano Performer: Ducati
Please give honest feedback to your chosen performer. They will work on the feedback you give.
| |
Not using any expression at all in the speech. Sounds like a robot. Does not use the punctuation. Words do not flow
Using some expression for certain parts of the speech. Reverts back in sounding like a robot in some places.
Uses expression in most areas, but not all. Starting to make voice go high and low in certain parts. Starting to get into the role and use punctuation.
Uses expression throughout the speech. Making voice go high and low in all parts.
Opens mouth wide so that words flow.
Loud clear voice
Reads in a very soft voice e.g. whisper. May mumble during speech. Words / sentences are very unclear and may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in some parts, but may revert back to soft / mumbling voice. Not all words / sentences may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in most parts, but may mumble, or speak softly in 1-2 sentences / words. Most words are understood by the audience.
Projects voice throughout the performance. Voice is loud and clear. Every word / sentence is understood by the audience.
Eye Contact
The performer refers to the speech / cue cards during for the entire contest. No eye contact given to the audience
The performer refers to the speech cue cards for some parts. The performer looks at the audience during some parts of the speech contest.
The reader looks at the audience and gives eye contact to the audience most of the time.
Eye contact is given throughout the contest. The performer gives eye contact to the audience during the entire speech contest.
Knowledge of the speech
Reads directly from the cue cards. Strongly relies off the cue cards during the contest. Does not know speech very well. Loses own place regularly and relies off cue cards.
Knows some parts of the speech, but is still reliant on the cue cards. Follows the text for most parts. Still reliant on cue cards to get through the contest. May lose place.
Knows most parts of the speech off by heart.
Follows the text.
Could easily perform the speech without the cue cards.
Knows the speech off by heart. Memorized the speech.
Friday, 21 June 2013
My flipping ebook on present education
here is my flipping ebook, read it and you might learn something new.
My speech on having class pets in the classroom
Should Panmure Bridge School have class pets?
I think Panmure Bridge School have class pets, because everyone in the class can look after the pet they have. I have a question for you: Do you think it’s a good idea to have a class pet?
A pet might be alone or an orphan and could die quickly, your pet can live in your class and can have enough food and water to last the night. If it gets hungry or thirsty, on a site called: petmd.com, I learnt about the top ten worst class pets. The worst pets are: chinchillas, rabbits, turtles, ferrets, birds, iguanas, hamsters, frogs, snakes and hedgehogs. Do you know why rabbits, turtles, hamsters, and ferrets are bad? Well you’ll know at the bottom.
The pets that you can have as a class pet that I saw on a site called Kinderart.com: A puppy, kitten, guinea pig, crabs, gerbils, spiders(not really), lizards, turtles, guppies, goldfish, hamsters, rats, parrots and frogs. These pets can have a big enough cage their food and water in it and can have enough room to run around. Do you know that it is an 80% a good idea and 20% a bad idea to keep class pets.
If it’s the holidays or weekends a student in the class, the student can look after the pet and can cherish it and give it that’s more happier than anything: love. If it’s not alive then the student will pay the price.
Hope you enjoyed my speech, and thank you for listening.
Should Panmure Bridge School have class pets?
My flipping ebook on past education
Here is my first-ever flipping ebook on past education at school, did you know that if a child was naughty in the past they would have to wear A dunce hat.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
My results on the kiwikids news quiz
Here are my results on the kiwikids news. On the wrong one I got 80%, and on the right one I got 90%.
My liquid freeze frame
I was here it's just that I was shy, because mine didn't make a sound, because that's what a liquid freeze frame is. To do it first, then to do and say the sound for it.
Friday, 31 May 2013
My results on XtraMaths
Here are my results on XtraMath today, the top picture says that I got a lot of smiley faces. And the bottom one says that I got 56 in a row. I'm very VERY happy.
My results on Maths Whizz, today and yesterday
Here are my results on Maths Whizz, the first one was today and the one below was yesterday, I'm happy for my results.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
My results on Xtramaths
Today I got mostly smiley faces which means I'm getting faster. I'm happy for my results on Xtramaths
Friday, 24 May 2013
My argument on should we wear uniform at Panmure Bridge School
Should we wear school uniform or not at Panmure Bridge School?
I think we should because I have five reasons why.
1.Emergency:If a classmate dies in an accident(If it happens) The police and other suspects will know which school he or she is from and can then phone the dead suspects parents.
2.Respect:The school uniform shows how smart you look and it makes you a proud, happy and brainy learner.
3.Lost:If you’re lost you’ll be able to find your class(or a different class that belongs to your school)by the uniform.
4.Mistake:Kinda the same and a bit different to the lost bit, anyway my fourth reason is because you won’t be mixed up with another school I think.
5.Weather:If it’s a hot do you can wear shorts and a shirt, just a shirt, and if it’s a cold day then wear a shirt with a skivee, long pants, and a jersey.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Thursday, 9 May 2013
My results on Xtramaths
Here are my results on Xtramaths, mostly got happy faces which mean I did it in less then 3 seconds I'm really happy about my results
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
My results on Studyladder

Wednesday, 17 April 2013
My slide show on the junior playground opening
Here is a slide show about the junior playground opening hope you enjoy
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
My Critiqueing somebody else's artwork

Monday, 15 April 2013
My Andy Warhol theme portrait

Friday, 12 April 2013
The Red Poppy Drama
This is a book called The Red Poppy my teacher Mrs Eeles read this book to me and my class Room 5. This book is about World War I and the main characters are Jim and Karl. I'd give this book a 10/10 because it's full of trust, courage and confidence. We did still images for the character Jim. I am great at doing still images.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
How many tens in hundreds By Ducati

Friday, 5 April 2013
My picture on Dance moves for Sleeping Beauty

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